下属对上司:1.Do not ask him/her private life, unless you h***e to;2. Usage of formal language---do not talk like you are talking with your friend; 3. Hold the door for him/her; 4.Act professionally; 5. Get things done before deadline.
上次对下属:1.Do not as him/her private life, unless you h***e to; 2.Even though you are the boss, but don't forget, be respectful to people who work for you;3.Do not step over the line---- keep your relationship within work;4.Show that you care about your employees, not only care about what they can do for you;5.Do not ever ask them to deal with your private problems, also, never ask them to work extra shifts without paying them.
i'll put you through right now.
优点好说啊,一般说:You h***e done an excellent job.
I appreciate your work.
We know you h***e tried hard,but there is more you can do in + 应该提高的方面.(例如 efficiency 效率)
There is still some room for you to improve +应该提高的方面(例如,your communication skills交际才能).
If you +可改进的方面,(例如,do some proofreading 校对),it would be much better.
1. 进步明显2. 英语进步的原因主要有两点:首先,英语学习需要不断的练习和积累,研究生阶段的学习时间相对充裕,可以更加专注地进行英语学习;其次,研究生阶段会有更多的机会接触到英语学术文献和国际交流,这也促进了英语水平的提高。
3. 在研究生阶段,可以利用课余时间参加英语角、参与学术交流等活动,进一步提升英语水平;同时,可以积极参与英语培训班或者自主学习,扩大词汇量和语法知识,提高听说读写能力。